
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Robin Hood Essays

Robin Hood Essays Robin Hood Essay Robin Hood Essay Showing the change Robin Hood has made since he was a little boy easily allows the reader to better understand how great he really is, and how he Is helping not only himself, but all of the poorer community-Robin Hood was faced with Issues from very early on In his life. HIS mothers death was very difficult for him, but living with his fathers love for another women, after his mother ad died, was just too much for him and he threatened his father that staying with that women would cost him his only sons love. Robin then left for many years, only to come back and discover that his father had been murdered and that the new leader of Nottingham was the Sheriff. Not only was this a great shock to Robin, but all the people of the land were suffering greatly from the Sheriffs corrupt rule. He was very money hungry and greedy, and the lower class community suffered greatly from his readiness. Robin Hood had many different traits that are quite obvious in the story and the movie. For one he is very set on taking from the wealth of Nottingham and giving back to the poorer community so they can live well. His main idea here is to get as much taken from the Sheriff of Nottingham and his sympathizers so they can easily attack and take the kingdom back. In the end his plan works and Robin kills the Sheriff and the Kingdom Is once again his, as well as Maid Maroon. HIS goals are Robin clearly has an expansion Issue tit his men and he needs to start thinking about moving from an Immediate local cause to either a regional or national one. The resources have begun to dry-up locally and his original tactical band of Mermen has turned Into more of a dysfunctional group of followers. If Robin could break his current large group of Mermen Into divisions and branch out to other territories or markets so that he doesnt saturate one particular area too much then he would be able to Increase his Income. Pursuing other rich merchants In new markets would not only keep to Robins Initial cause, but also expand his network of farmers and townspeople to provide for. His constrained resources In the Sherwood Forest would once again flourish with the considerable mass now gone and utilizing other resources In their perspective territories. With the division of the Mermen from one army into smaller Squadrons Robin would be charged with appointing leadership among the new subgroups. The original hierarchy could remain intact with each of the original Lieutenants continuing tenet specials tasks Ana can squadron navels an populate deader who would report directly to their General (Robin). The division of power would allow discipline to be maintained while not overburdening each lieutenant with more responsibility. With increasing territory covered throughout the kingdom, the Sheriff would once again feel pressure from Robin and his new strategic squadrons of Mermen as they turn their local cause into a regional one. There are several metrics that can be used to define the success of the new structure developed within the Mermen. The first and easiest calculation would be the increase/decrease in finances. The abundance of game available for the men would be a metric of provision accessibility. Approval ratings from the townspeople and Mermen can act as a contentment gauge of the people for, and of, the cause. The number of engagements between the Sheriff and the Mermen can disclose the efficiency of the new squadron hierarchy. Each metric would determine the success of the new strategy that was put in place to combat against the original underlying issues of expansion, disorientation, constraining resources, and the Sheriffs offensive effort.

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